An Example of Internal Metrics
A Measure of whether the CSA’s are in their seats as scheduled. Adherence is calculated as a % equal to (actual time CSA is logged into the system ready to answer the telephone) / (the total time the TSR is scheduled to be ready to answer the telephone) x 100.
Data Capture & Reporting
Capture from the ACD and reported daily, clinic weekly and monthly.
Suggested Goal
Best practices indicate individual CSA adherence greater than 92%.
Not Ready Time or After Call Work Time
The time after a call is completed and the CSA needs to complete administrative 2work related to the call.
Data Capture & Reporting
Capture from the ACD by CSA, malady team and call centre and reported daily, weekly and monthly. Report graphically and compare to past trends.
Suggested Goal
Average across industries is 60 seconds. Aim for 30 to 60 seconds.